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8th Annual UCI Skin Symposium
Date: February 21, 2025
Dive into the forefront of skin research at our 8th Annual Skin Research Symposium!
2024-2025 Distinguished Speaker Series
George Sen, PhD
University of California, San Diego
Date: 10/18/24
Title:"Regulators of Epidermal Growth, Differentiation, and Innate Immunity"
Bin Zheng, PhD
Date: 11/22/24
Title:"Metabolic Regulation of Melanoma Tumor Immunity"
Brian Capell, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Date: 1/17/25
Title:"Epithelial Epigenetics: Chromatin at the Nexus of Epithelial Development, Differentiation, and Disease"
Sara Stahley, PhD
Penn State Cancer Institute
Date: 3/28/25
Title:"Cadherin Regulation of Planar Cell Polarity in the Mammalian Epidermis"
Hasan Erbil Abaci, PhD
Columbia University
Date: 4/25/25
Title:"Edgeless 3D Skin Constructs as a Tool to Uncover Geometric Inϐluence on Skin Function"
Andrew Ji, MD
Mouth Sinai—Icahn School of Medicine
Date: 5/30/25
Title:"Probing The Single-Cell Spatial Landscape of Human Skin"
Haley B. Naik, MD
Date: 6/20/25
Title:"Translating Hidradenitis Suppurativa Science Into Therapeutic Advances"
Click here for the 2024-2025 Distinguished Speaker Series Flyer
Types of Events
We sponsor 7-10 monthly lectures over the year, including several from distinguished scientists in skin biology/disease from outside UC Irvine. These lectures are coordinated with the Department of Dermatology Grand Rounds to enable these speakers to additionally present a lecture to the more clinically-oriented Dermatology Faculty. This program brings in leading skin biologists for the benefit of the Center research community and the skin disease community at UC Irvine.
As a major visible program throughout campus, we continue the day-long Annual Symposium on Skin Biology and Disease. This annual event started with a symposium supported by the Stem Cell Center, on Clinical Translation of Stem Cell Approaches to Skin Biology and Disease in 2015. In 2017, through additional support from the Department of Dermatology and corporate sponsors, we were able to continue with the yearly Skin Symposium. The symposium is attended by 100-150 people from all areas of Southern California, from Los Angeles to San Diego. The next symposium will be held on February 9, 2024, with the following speakers.
Past Events
Past Annual UCI Skin Symposiums
The past UCI Skin symposiums drew speakers (and virtual attendees) from around the world to showcase the most current developments in skin research. This all-day event provides a platform for experts to exchange groundbreaking insights and discoveries in the study of skin. It fosters international collaboration and keeps professionals at the forefront of skin-related advancements.
Past Distinguished Seminar Speaker Series
Throughout the past academic years, UCI Skin hosted a series of Friday seminars from 11 to 12pm, featuring guest speakers from various institutions. The seminars are open to all interested individuals and offer a great chance to gain inspiration from the work of others, stay informed about the latest advancements, and engage with influential researchers on a global scale.
2022-2023 Distinguished Speaker Series
2021-2022 Distinguished Speaker Series
2020-2021 Distinguished Speaker Series
2019-2020 Distinguished Speaker Series
UCI Skin Club
The UCI Skin club is an ongoing weekly meeting where Center laboratories meet to learn about new findings in other laboratories and to exchange scientific ideas; this activity was started in 2015. In every meeting, a member of a group presents their work followed by discussion. In some cases, we invite other scientists with findings relevant to the work of the Center to present their work in this forum. With the institution of the P30 Center, we now have representatives from each Core in these meetings which will enhance our abilities to implement multidisciplinary approaches to the skin biology work. This meeting, held at the end of day, closes with a social hour where trainees and laboratory personnel have a chance to intermingle in a relaxed environment. As trainees from all Center member laboratories present in skin club, this venue is highly suited for the Center directors to exert leadership by recognizing opportunities to engineer collaborations with genomics and other fields, and integration through systems biology.